Our play-based curriculum is based on a child's natural instinct to learn through play and exploration. We provide the environment, materials, and encouragement that leads to their discoveries. Outdoor exploration is a key part of our curriculum, and our large garden, playground, and outdoor art space allows children to explore in a safe and beautiful natural environment. We explore our community and city by taking regular neighborhood walks and field trips.
Walking from Key School to the Little Red Playschool
To help children become kind and caring participants in a world that includes everyone.
To create the feeling that everyone is equally worthwhile.
To focus attention on the whole child: social, emotional, intellectual and physical growth.
To begin to learn the life skills of cooperation, self-confidence, independence, responsibility, and respect for ourselves and each other.
To stimulate natural curiosity.
To encourage tolerance and diversity.
Reading about dinosaurs with Amanda
Activities and learning
Socialization through play: sharing, taking turns, free choice, cooperation.
Early Literacy: listening to stories, looking at books, discussions, drawing and writing.
Math Experiences: use of manipulative materials, baking and cooking .
Science: magnets, water and sand play, sensory explorations, gardening, animals, experiments.
Creative Play: dress-up, movement, dramatic play, puppets
Art and Music: painting, cutting, pasting, collage, singing, dancing, playing instruments.
Physical: outdoor play, playground experiences, bikes, balls, nature hikes.
Community: field trips, neighborhood walks, non-fiction picture books, discussions.